
How to clean hardwood flooring

Hardwood flooring is stylish, practical, and relatively easier to look after than carpet. But keeping it clean and well-maintained is essential for its longevity.

New hardwood flooring can be an investment to install. The colour and appearance of the flooring can change naturally over the years, but you don’t want to disrupt this through poor maintenance.

Below are some general tips and ideas on caring for your hardwood flooring and returning it to its former glory if it has been damaged.


  1. Vacuum daily

Grit from outside, random debris, and even dust can all accumulate on our floors over time. This can scratch your flooring if not removed ASAP. Therefore, vacuum daily to remove this.

You must choose a vacuum or attachment with a soft brush head, which states it is hardwood-friendly. Rotating brushes and wheels can cause damage to floorboards, anything from scratches and scuffs to dents and chips.

If this isn’t possible, use a microfibre mop to collect the dust instead. This will still pick up pet hair and general dirt. A soft-bristled brush will also do the trick, and a handheld vacuum attachment can get into any tricky corners.

We recommend good quality doormats to trap dirt before entering your home and shoes off at the door! Avoid wearing hard soles when walking on the flooring, too.


  1. Use minimal water

Mopping will clean the wood if it is dirty, but be careful. Don’t use too much water, as this will warp and damage the wood, meaning it could change colour or become displaced.

So, wring out your mop well before mopping, then ensure good airflow in the room to speed up the drying process. You may want to use a dehumidifier or fan to increase airflow and remove excess liquid.

Another tip is to use two buckets, one with clean water and one to wring out dirty water. That way, you aren’t spreading debris around the floor.

You may also use no water and just a dedicated wood cleaner.


  1. Clean spills ASAP

Drinks and other liquid spills can cause water damage, such as stains or warping. To ensure minimal damage, clean up any liquids as soon as possible. A microfibre cloth can collect everything and then allow it to air dry.


  1. Deep clean twice per year

A dedicated deep clean solution can be used. Follow the instructions on the specialist product and use a slightly damp mop to clean it.

Buff with a cloth when done, to dry the floor, and ensure the flooring is smooth.


  1. Restore if needed

Hardwood flooring can be restored with sanding and re-staining or varnishing. Knots, scuffs, and discolouration can be removed using a floor sander.

Always wear PPE if using sanders. Eye protection and gloves are essential.

Vacuum and brush after sanding before applying any product. Follow the instructions on the product and leave anything to dry.


What NOT to do…

  • Don’t repair by just adding more products. Layering the product up can cause the wood to become slippery and dull, and there’s more chance of it scuffing.
  • Never use a steam cleaner or steam mops on wood. This can saturate the wood and cause it to warp.
  • Don’t use cleaning products on oiled floors or waxed flooring. Plain water will suffice, or a dedicated cleaner twice per year.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals. Just use dedicated hardwood floor cleaners.


How to remove stains from hardwood flooring

Buffing the wood and stain should do the trick. Use a microfibre cloth to ensure it is gentle enough on the wood to buff the stain but not damage the wood.

A damp cloth with some baking soda should work for more stubborn stains. Spot test this first on an inconspicuous part of the floor to check it doesn’t affect the wood or varnish.




Thank you for reading our Speedy Hire blog on how to clean hardwood flooring and keep it looking new.

If your hardwood flooring is unrecoverable and you instead want to choose laminate, read our guide on how to lay laminate flooring. We also have a guide on how to use a floor sander.

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