
How To Pressure Wash a Driveway

Pressure washing your driveway can give your home a fresh and clean look, enhancing its curb appeal. However, using a pressure washer requires careful handling to ensure safety and effectiveness, to help you get the most out of your driveway cleaning efforts Speedy have complied six top tips.

First, if you haven't used a pressure washer before, please read our guide on how to use a pressure washer to familiarise yourself with the machine or watch the video below.




Tip 1: Choose the Right Pressure Washer

Select a pressure washer with the appropriate pressure setting for your driveway surface. Typically, a pressure washer with a minimum pressure rating of 3000 PSI is adequate for cleaning concrete driveways. However, for delicate surfaces like asphalt or pavers, a lower pressure setting may be necessary to avoid damage to the area.


Tip 2: Use the Correct Nozzle

The nozzle you use will determine the intensity and width of the water spray. For driveway cleaning, a 25-degree nozzle is often recommended as it provides a good balance between cleaning power and surface safety. Avoid using narrow nozzles like 0-degree or rotating turbo nozzles, as they can cause damage to the surface.


Tip 3: Prep the Area

Before you start any pressure washing, clear the driveway first of any debris, such as leaves, sticks, or loose dirt. If there are any oil stains or stubborn grime, pre-treat them with a suitable driveway cleaner or degreaser, please follow the instructions carefully. Allow the cleaner to sit for the recommended time before rinsing it off with the pressure washer.


Tip 4: Maintain the Right Distance

Keep the nozzle of the pressure washer at a consistent distance from the surface of the driveway, typically around 6 to 12 inches. If you hold the nozzle too close, it may harm the surface, but holding it too far can decrease cleaning power. Experiment with the distance to find the optimal position for your driveway.


Tip 5: Work in Sections

To ensure thorough cleaning and avoid missing spots, divide your driveway into manageable sections and clean one section at a time. Start at one end and work your way systematically to the other end, overlapping each pass slightly to ensure complete coverage.


Tip 6: Practice Safety Precautions

Pressure washers can be powerful tools, so it is essential to prioritize safety. Wear appropriate protective gear, such as safety goggles, long trousers, and safety boots, to shield yourself from debris and splashback. Be mindful of electrical outlets and fixtures around the driveway, and never aim the pressure washer nozzle at people or pets to avoid causing any injury.


By following these Speedy top tips, you can achieve professional-looking results when pressure washing your driveway while minimizing the risk of damage or injury. Regular maintenance with a pressure washer can help keep your driveway looking clean and inviting for years to come.


Pressure Washer Hire Near Me

You can hire a pressure washer from Speedy Hire, with piece of mind that you will receive a product that has been checked, cleaned, and tested before every new hire. All products also come with safety and operating instructions.

Thank you for reading our Speedy blog, we hope you found these six tips for pressure washing your driveway guide useful. Check out our How to Clean a Patio with a Pressure Washer blog, plus, there are plenty more tips and how to guides on our Skills and Project page.

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